

The Process Industry is one of the major economic engines of the South African economy. Chemical Engineers provide the technological input necessary to allow the industry to grow and to remain internationally competitive.  
Technological advances and innovation are key factors in any business that wants to improve its competitiveness and profitability.

The “Bill Neale-May”† Gold Medal and the Innovation awards (more information on bith awards below)of the SAIChE are made in recognition of outstanding contributions by chemical engineers to the industry. The SAIChE considers that such recognition will provide encouragement for the pursuit of technological advances and innovative thinking and that it will also enhance the professional status of our profession.

The awards are scheduled to be made at the SAIChE Annual Dinner.

“Bill Neale-May” Gold Medal:

For outstanding achievement in chemical engineering or process technology in its broadest definition. This award is not necessarily granted every year. 

Unusually competent chemical engineering effort carried out essentially within Southern Africa, including commercial implementation (where relevant) and with at least an element of innovation, are the main criteria.  As engineering is largely a team effort, the award is more likely to be made to a group, though not necessarily so.
The level of achievement, innovation, originality and chemical engineering content, the degree of practical implementation or implementation potential and evidence of direct or indirect economic or professional value are the main criteria with the emphasis on quality (rather than quantity) and creativity.

Silver Medal:

The silver medal is awarded to the top final year student.  One Per University and University of Technology.

Nomination Requirements:
  1. Be the best student of the year.
  2. Obtained an average of 75% and above
  3. The qualification (degree) must be completed in the minimum period, i.e. B.Sc. = 4 years; B.Eng. = 4 years; B.Tech = 3 years of N.Dip + B.Tech 
  4. All nominations must be accompanied by a full academic record.
If there are 2 candidates - both have exactly the same final mark for their final (4th) year. Take into consideration their cumulative Grade Point Average, i.e. over the duration of the 4 years of study.

Honorary Fellowship:

An Honorary Fellow shall be a person intimately connected with the science or practice of chemical engineering whom the Institution specially desires to honour for significant contributions and services to the Institution or to engineering. 

The election of an Honorary Fellow shall take place at a Council Meeting, due notice having been given at the previous Council meeting.  The election shall require the unanimous vote of the Council members present. 

Each election shall be announced to the members at the earliest suitable opportunity.

The most recent winner

SAIChE Innovation Award:

The award shall be for creative innovation in chemical engineering, process technology in its broadest definition or in relevant methodology for design or experimental investigation.

The main criteria are:

the degree of innovation
  • The innovation must be creative and original, not merely the result of application of existing knowledge.
the chemical engineering content
  • Recognition will be given to the fact that chemical engineering is deeply rooted in various fundamental disciplines.
the implementation or implementability of the innovation
  • The advantages in terms of time and money and potential spin-offs are all contributing factors in the evaluation.  The size of the innovation will not be important in the criteria.
  • The work leading to the award shall essentially have been executed in Southern Africa.
  • An individual or a small team (not more than five persons) may be nominated for the award.  Their affiliation may be cited if this is the wish of the nominee(s).
The Award consists of:
  • a plaque, with certificates for each recipient if there is more than one.
  • ownership of the plaque shall, in case of multiple recipients, vest in their employer or nominated team leader.
  • Nominations must supply sufficient detail to enable the evaluators to form proper judgement.
  • The award shall not be made if the applications are of insufficient merit or if insufficient information is provided.
The winners and close rivals will be expected to present a paper on the subject on which the nomination is based at one of the Institution’s technical meetings and to be present when the awards are made at the Annual Dinner.

SAIChE Gold Medal

Main criteria:
  • The award shall be for outstanding achievement in chemical engineering or process technology in its broadest definition.  The main criterion is the advancement of technology and there must be at least an element of innovation.
  • The fact that the process, equipment or methodology has been applied in industry or at least demonstrated on a commercially significant scale will be a strong recommendation.
  • The Award is not directly for managerial or economic achievement, but such issues may be taken into account in deciding between candidates.
  • The work leading to the award shall essentially have been executed in Southern Africa.
  • An individual or a small team (not more than five persons) may be nominated for the award. Their affiliation may be cited if this is the wish of the nominee(s).

The most recent winner
D Ramjugernath

The Award consists of:
  • a minted gold medal in 9 carat gold with the Institution’s crest on the obverse and the name of the award and the name of the recipient or group of recipients on the reverse.
  • a certificate, 1 for each recipient if there is more than one.
  • ownership of the medal and original certificate shall, in case of multiple recipients, vest in their employer or nominated team leader.
  • Nominations must supply sufficient detail to enable the evaluators to form proper judgement.
  • The award shall not be made if the applications are of insufficient merit or if insufficient information is provided.

Past winners

The most recent winner

The most recent winner
D Ramjugernath

The most recent winner

The most recent winner
D Ramjugernath

Silver medals awarded for best students


Eric Joseph Roberts UCT
Alexander Schulze-Hulbe US
Jaco-Louis Venter UP
P (Ronel) Jacobs NWU
Deborah T Samuel VUT
Trenelle Moodley UKZN
Shaheen Sheik Mahumood DUT
Juandre C Piedt CPUT


Jabulani Junior Nyathi UCT
Minet Uys UP
Jessie Tamar Wainer  WITS
AA Labuschagne NWU
Nikhiel I Bansi  UKZN  
Brandon Cordeiro US
Keshrie Reddy CPUT


Ricardo Miguel Da Silva WITS
C. Gerhard Steenekamp NWU
Darren Craig Roos UP
Grant Michael Turner UCT
Joseph CX.Gebers US
Muhammad Zohaib Ikram UKZN
Kiara Govender DUT


Dani De Klerk US
Sandro D. Cesar CPUT
Petro Pavlou UCT
Jason Cuomo WITS
Imar Schuin NWU
Hester Peters UP
Ayanda Jessica Sebothoma UJ
Yuleshni Govender DUT
Kiara Premlall UKZN


Heidi Marais UP
Ricardo M. Swanepoel US
Timothy D. Pons UCT
Shaakirah Madhi WITS
Senthan Pillai UKZN
A. Miguel Da Camara NWU
Seanokeng Ditlhobolo UJ
Idriss Sielinou Ngankam TUT
Wiseman Ruwona CPUT


Alexander G. Johannes UP
Dewald Oosthuizen US
Rowan Michael Dalton UCT
Michael Gustavo WITS
Kashmeel Bisseru UKZN
Shreshtha Singh DUT
MN Hassan UJ


Rowan M. Lindeque UP
Tariq Allie-Ebrahim UCT
Ismaeel H.T. Ally UKZN
Johannes Hendrik  Lamprecht US
Ricky Bonner WITS
Sandrine Mbakop TUT
Mr MSJ Mbatha DUT


Jason Misken US
Deogracious Chawira CPUT
Savania Gounden DUT
Jakolien Strauss NWU
Ashir Daya UKZN
Mabusi Hlophe MUT
Adrian Russell UP
Kyle McMahon WITS
Romina Nair UCT
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