CPD Courses Accredited by SAIChE

SAIChE-401: Basic Principles of Estimating

CPD credits: 1. Provider: Sasol Limited (SAIChE-SPV-002)

In-house monthly training sessions for Sasol employees. 

SAIChE-400: Distillation Course - Linde

CPD credits: 3. Provider: Sasol Limited (SAIChE-SPV-002)

In-house monthly training sessions for Sasol employees. 

SAIChE-399: Basic Principles of Project Planning

CPD credits: 1. Provider: Sasol Limited (SAIChE-SPV-002)

In-house monthly training sessions for Sasol employees. 

SAIChE-398: KEPNERandFOURIE ThinkingWorks – Problem Solving & Decision Making

CPD credits: 3. Provider: Thinking Dimensions Group (Pty) Ltd (SAIChE-SPV-001)

Root Cause Analysis - Deciding Solutions to Problems - Prioritize Problems.

SAIChE-393: Hazard & Operability Study Training Course (HAZOP)

CPD credits: 3.  Provider: Ishecon (SAIChE-SPV-003)

The course presented by our experienced consultants is intended to enable those involved in projects and plant or installation modifications to contribute meaningfully in Hazard and Operability Studies.

SAIChE-392: HAZOP Leadership & Management Course

CPD credits: 3 Provider: SHExcellence (Rod Prior) (SAIChE-SPV-005)

Also accredited by IChemE.

SAIChE-390: Design for Saving and Optimization of Electrical Power. (online)

CPD 2 credits. CPD Ref. no: SAIChE-390. Provider: E4A (SAIChE-SPV-004)

Includes numerous Sub-Courses such as Motor Designs, Other Mechanical Drives, Power Equations as major power optimization, Static Electricity, Fire and Explosion Risks, Solar Power, and Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) and PLCs as extended applications and benefits of power optimization.

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