CPD Courses Accredited by SAIChE

SAIChE-422: MHI Regulations and Quantitative Risk Assessments – an Understanding

CPD 2 credits. Provider: Ishecon cc (SAIChE-SPV-003)

The focus will be on the requirements of the current and the new Draft MHI Regulations.

SAIChE-421: Corrosion, Cracks, Catastrophes. (Online)

CPD 3 credits. CPD Ref. no: SAIChE-421 Provider: E4A (SAIChE-SPV-004)

Includes numerous Sub-Courses such as Degradation Analysed, Corrosion and Oxidation, Stress Corrosion Cracking, Permeation, Hydrogen Embrittlement, Cracks and Micro-cracks, Corrosion Barriers and Corrosion Allowances, Corrosion Charts, Major Catastrophes including Critical Variables in Fires and Explosions. 
This extensive Course is of fundamental importance for all engineers to address the right design approach for these three greatest risk areas in engineering with extended guidance.

SAIChE-420-01-: PM and EM training days - Monthly

CPD credits: 0.2 Provider: Sasol Limited (SAIChE-SPV-002)

In-house monthly training sessions. Employees to contact relevant Training Department. Every month has a different number.

SAIChE-419: Introduction to the Sasol Digitised Risk Manager

CPD credits: 0.2 Provider: Sasol Limited (SAIChE-SPV-002)

In-house monthly training sessions. Employees to contact relevant Training Department.

SAIChE-418: Contracting Principles for Project Management

CPD credits: 2. Provider: Sasol Limited (SAIChE-SPV-002)

In-house monthly training sessions for Sasol employees. 

SAIChE-417: Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) & Safety Integrity Course (SIL)

CPD 2 credits. Provider: Ishecon cc (SAIChE-SPV-003)

Process Safety Course. To enable those involved in projects and plant or installation modifications to contribute meaningfully, ensuring that the design and operation meet all safety, health and environmental requirements based on the layers of protection and the appropriate specification of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)

SAIChE-416: Emissions Monitoring and Reporting Course

CPD credits: 2. Provider: ESKOM (NWU) (SAIChE-SPV-007)

In-house monthly training sessions for ESKOM employees. Employees to contact relevant Training Department.

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